(This article was written on 27/01/2016, but the writer was
asked to withhold publication till now.)
Last Friday night there was reported to be a police raid on
the compound in South Africa where Rabbi Eliezer Berland and hundreds of his
followers were staying. Some say the police special unit, or Hawks, were involved,
but they were unable to arrest the rabbi who is wanted on alleged sexual abuse
According to the religious group’s official website, a local
rabbinic leader had this to say about the raid:
“Ironically, the very same people who stand behind
the Shabbos Project are the ones responsible for the most profound desecration
of the holy Shabbos...
“The police later confessed that while they did not
have an arrest warrant nor a search warrant, they were following the orders of
the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Johannesburg Warren Goldstein son of the Supreme
Court Judge Ezra Goldstein. Rabbi Goldstein who stands behind the influential
Shabbos Project supposedly assumes that “Keeping It Together” is something that
should be done in one’s own community and with people who think like him, but
when feeling threatened by influential figures from a different community
especially when they are leading on “their turf” then “Break It Apart” more
accurately defines the expected behavior...
“The Shulachan Aruch Choshen Mishpat chapter 388
speaks extensively on the halachic status of a rodef, a person who goes and tries to imprison
his fellow in the hands of non-jews, there is a Mitzvah to kill him before he
can carry out his plot.
“...They have a halachik status of a rodef.[1]
People reading this may not be entirely aware of the
implicit danger in labelling someone a rodef.
In classical Jewish law the concepts of a rodef (a
‘pursuer’ – who either threatens the life or property of a fellow Jew) and moser
(one who ‘turns over’ a Jew to non-Jewish authorities) go hand in
Both rodef and moser need to be physically eliminated
before they can carry out their evil intentions.
Historically, the legal statuses of both rodef and moser
were formulated at a time when the Jewish people were living under hostile domination
and needed to be vigilant against surveillance from informers within their own
For centuries these concepts were essentially dormant and
existed primarily in theoretical jurisprudence. Amazingly only around 1994 did
some rabbinical figures begin to revive these legal categorizations with
particular reference to President Yitzchak Rabin. They believed his politics
were putting Jewish lives at risk and that he therefore fitted the profiles of rodef
and moser, and had to be killed. This interpretation required some
extrapolation because the original law of rodef was not intended to be
used in the political arena.
Yet, many influential leaders in the rabbinical world (although
they denied it later), believed so strongly that Rabin qualified as a technical
rodef that they ruled that there was no need to go through a court or
Beit Din, and that a death sentence could be carried out by any Jew who felt
bound by Jewish law. This in
effect declared open season on Rabin.
Within a short period of time the issues of rodef and
moser were common knowledge and openly discussed and debated all around
the world. We all know what happened next when a young devotee named Yigal Amir
simply carried all this quasi halachik rhetoric to its inevitable
The actual moment of granting rabbinic endorsement to Amir,
is described by a source to Shabak, Israel Security Agency as follows: “...not
a word passed between Amir and the rabbi he had chosen to consult...as soon as
Amir entered his office, the rabbi exited through a second door. Left on a lectern
in the middle of the room, however, was a copy of the Talmud open to the
Sanhedrin Tractate, Chapter 49, in which the ancient sages discussed the
biblical passage...from which din rodef derived. Amir understood the
cue, read the page of the Talmud and went on his way.”[2]
Two days into the week of mourning for assassinated
President Rabin, prominent settler Rabbi Yoel Bin-Nun stood up and publically
declared; “If rabbis had not (sanctioned
the murder), no youngster would have dared to do such a thing...If these
people whose rulings or words led to Rabin’s death do not reveal themselves...I
myself will reveal their identity!”[3]
What’s frightening is that twenty or so years later, on
another continent, people in positions of rabbinical authority have not learned
the dangers of reinstating that selfsame obsolete and theoretical law that
didn’t take long to find a willing cohort to carry it out to its unspeakable
It must be pointed out that details of the raid are still
unclear and there certainly is no evidence as to who ordered it. According to
the website, the rabbi said; “...I am not
certain who sent the police” – but then goes on to implicate and name those
for whom he clearly has no evidence of any involvement in the raid! This is
grossly irresponsible to say the least. And then to declare them a rodef is incitive in the extreme.
sensible words.