
Sunday, 27 August 2017

141) THE 'OTHER BAAL SHEM TOV' WAITING IN THE WINGS (And other fascinating letters):


If you are reading these letters for the first time, see here and here for an important introduction and contextualization.


  • In this series of letters , we see another reference to the handing over of unnamed secret ‘teachings’ from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to his student the Baal Shem Tov. These were the ‘writings’ which later had to be hidden. (Doc. 48, 51)

  • We again see how R. Adam tries to pressure his student to come out of hiding, by informing him that he was not untouchable and that another leader was being groomed for the leadership role if the Baal Shem Tov refused to emerge from hiding. (Doc. 47)

  • The Baal Shem Tov’s wife pleads with her husband to come home for Yom Tov. (Doc. 252)

  • We see that apparently and rather surprisingly R. Adam and the Baal Shem Tov had never yet met in person. (Doc. 54)

  • We read how the work of Torah and Prayer had historically and theologically already been completed and how all that was left to do from that time on was to elevate the material realm. (Doc 50)

  • We read how the Baal Shem Tov was actively discouraged from journeying to Israel. Israel’s ‘air’ makes wise and that ‘wisdom’ was not required at that time and the Baal Shem Tov had already mastered it. (Doc. 31)


Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov using numerology to encourage the latter to come out of hiding:

Letter 16.


(Parshat) Vayikra 5493 (1733).

To the hidden, awesome and holy is his name, Yisrael, son of the rabbi, Mr Eliezer, n’y.

It is taught in the holy Zohar:

‘Furthermore, he continued and said – the previous verse (refers to) a man of faith who has many blessings. Blessings (thus refer to) a man of faith in G-d, blessed be He.’

The explanation (of this) was revealed to me from Heaven:

‘Man of faith’[1] has the numerical value of 552. And your name, Yisrael, has the numerical value of 541. The difference between the (two numbers) is 11.

This alludes to the eleven years when you will be hidden and concealed (from the world) while wandering (around).

Therefore, during the forthcoming year, 5494 (1734) may it descend upon us for good, you will reveal yourself (to the world), G-d willing.

I and your holy teacher Achiya haShiloni will be (here to) help (you). Enough said.

From the one who longs to see you (although) I do not know where your (hiding) place is:

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from the Baal Shem Tov’s wife asking him to come home for the festivals.


Monday (Parshat) Bamidbar 5493 (1733).

To my husband, the esteemed Mr Yisrael, n’y.

I received through the (agency) of the non-Jewish (courier), three measures of honey-water in addition to the Ruble Teller[2].

Perhaps you will come to my home for Yom Tov?

What will I do alone in the village (during) Yom Tov? G-d willing.

From your wife.

Leah Rachel.



Letter, from the Baal Shem Tov to his wife, accompanying the money he was sending home:


Tuesday (Parshat) Behaalotecha 5493 (1733). Telusk.

To my wife, the righteous Mrs Leah Rachel, may you live.

Accept through the (agency) of the messenger, 20 Ruble Teller.

And give 2 Ruble Teller (to the teacher) for tuition fees.

I will, please G-d, be coming (home) soon.

Send regards to my dear son Herschelle, may he live, and my dear daughter Adelle, may she live.

From your husband,




Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov informing him that if he doesn’t come out of hiding, another will take his place as leader of the new Chassidic movement:

Letter 21.


To the rabbi, the hidden one, Mr Yisrael, n’y, son of R. Eliezer.

Do not imagine that you are untouchable[3].

If you do not reveal yourself, (you should know that) there is another (waiting) in your place.

But (instead, I urge you) to complete (the task) you have already begun, as this is the will of the Blessed one. Enough said.

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov informing him that he is handing over to him the ‘teachings’ and urgently requesting he reveal himself as the refusal to do is delaying the redemption:

Letter 22.


5493 (1733).

To the hidden one, Mr Y(israel) B(en) R. E(liezer), n’y.

The mouth of the righteous is a source of life.

Everything depends on the mouth of the righteous, whether for good or the opposite. Heaven forefend.

I have handed over the writings to my son Mr L (rest of the name missing. According to Doc. 18, the name was Leib) n’y.
You will surely receive them.

But for how long will you refuse to reveal yourself.

In my view, you are withholding the redemption (by remaining in hiding).

Practice some self-sacrifice for the rest of (the people of) Israel. Enough said.

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov telling him how happy he is to hear that the latter is finally coming out of hiding:

Letter 23.


Sunday (Parshat) Veyeilech 5493 (1733).

I was overjoyed when I heard that you are (about) to reveal your holy name to the world.

May it be the will of Heaven that you achieve success against the accusing (forces). Amen.

From the one who loves you from now on,

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov, telling him he knows he has received the ‘teachings’ and that he must now study them diligently:

Letter 25.


5494 (1733).

To the beloved of G-d, one of the hidden ones, Mr Yisrael, son of the rabbi, Eliezer, n’y.

I was overjoyed when I heard that you have received in your holy hand the writings (I sent you).

But study them and learn them diligently, and in them, you will taste a great taste.

Through this, I remain your colleague[4], for now, and for the future,

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov telling him looks forward to finally meeting him:[5]

Letter 28.


5493 (1733).

To the holy one, the hidden one, Yisrael. I do not know your holy (hiding) place.

The hidden (things) belong to G-d, while the revealed (things) belong to us.

Surely you will reveal yourself (to the world) and our eyes will see each other.
Then will our hearts be glad.

I am (now) old, and my heart is burning to see your face as (it yearns) to see G-d’ s. Enough said.
From the one who loves you forever,

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov telling him that the work of Torah and prayer has already been completed and all that is left to do  is elevating the material realm:

Letter 24.


5493 (1733).

To the holy Mr Yisrael, n’y, of Akopf.

Know that the main work (left for us to do) is only in elevating material matters to their source.

This is because the work with Torah and Prayer has already been accomplished.

From the one who faithfully loves you,

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov telling him he will bring a new ‘fragrance’ to the world and that he should not travel to Israel:

Letter 19.


Sunday (Parshat) Vayechi Yaakov – who is Israel[6]. 5494 (1734) LaPeret Katan[7].

To the holy and hidden Mr Yisrael, son of R. Eliezer, n’y.

I shall reveal to you a great matter:

If it happens that at a certain time one succumbs to depression[8], one should faithfully know that he is about to be (potentially) elevated to a higher level.

(To overcome this depression) one needs much self-sacrifice. Enough said.

Also, know that your teacher (Achiya haShiloni[9]) has told me that you will bring a (new) fragrance to the world.

But do not seek glory, (do) only what is before you.

Do not travel to the Land of Israel because you have come into this world only to fix (materialism[10]). Enough said.

(This is) because the air of the land of Israel makes wise, and you have already reached the level to know the ‘head’ (of wisdom). Enough said.

From the one who loves you (only) through hearing (from you).[11]

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.


[1] Bar Nash in Aramaic.
[2] The name of the currency.
[3] The Hebrew reads ben ish chai, literally; son of a living man.
[4] It appears as if the symbolic handing over of the ‘teachings’ transferred the Baal Shem Tov from student to colleague. In previous letters, R. Adam signed as his teacher, not as his colleague.
[5] According to some of the letters it seems as if the two had never met, although R. Adam had often previously referred to himself as the Baal Shem Tov’s teacher.
[6] An allusion to R. Israel Baal Shem Tov corresponding to the Biblical Israel, another name for Jacob.
[7] A calendar designation.
[8] Hebrew: Roah hamidot, or bad emotions.
[9] The Baal Shem Tov’s other mystical teacher, according to Chassidic tradition, a prophet from the time of Solomon.
[10] See Document 50.
[11] Another allusion to the possibility that the student and teacher had not yet met (see Document 54).

Sunday, 20 August 2017



See here and here for an introduction.


This series of letters, written between 1731 and 1733, show how the Baal Shem Tov was literally hiding from his teacher, R. Adam Baal Shem Tov. From the tenor and tone of the letters one can understand that the Baal Shem Tov was reluctant to come out of hiding: -R. Adam tells his student that the latter is the subject of sections of the Zohar which deal with the creation of the world and that he embodied the ‘secret light’ of creation. -R. Adam threatens his student that if he remains in hiding the world will literally be destroyed! -R. Adam informs his student that even Achiya haShiloni[1] will disown him if he doesn’t come out of hiding within a year. 

This must have placed an unimaginable spiritual burden on the shoulders of the Baal Shem Tov who, understandably, refused to divulge is location to his teacher[2]

This puts paid to the notion that the Baal Shem Tov suddenly and voluntarily decided to come out of seclusion during his thirties, and reveal himself to the world. According to these letters it seems quite clear that not only was he coaxed into confronting the world but he was actually threatened rather sharply to do so.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov informing him that the latter is the ‘hidden light’ referred to in the Zohar:

Letter 14.


Tuesday (Parshat) Veyeitze 5491 (1731).

To the hidden one who was sent from Heaven, the rabbi Mr Yisrael, son of our teacher the rabbi Eliezer.

It is taught in the holy Zohar, (Parshat) Vayeitze:

‘Come and see;
When the Holy One blessed be He wanted to create the world, He took one hidden light and from that light emerged and illuminated etc. etc.’[3]

Know that you that this light is you, my son Israel, in whom I glorify.

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from the Baal Shem Tov to his brother-in-law R. Gershon Kitover asking him to pawn the former’s coat in order to raise some money for the forthcoming festival of Peasch:


Wednesday (Parshat) Vayeitze 5491 (1731).

To my brother-in-law the famous holy rabbi and gaon etc., our teacher the rabbi, Rabbi Avraham Gershon (Kitover) n’y.

You know, honourable and elevated Torah (personality) that the holy festival days are actualizing and approaching.

And I have no means to spend on the holy festival.

(So) I am sending you my coat to pledge (pawn) in Brodie and you will send me the money.

From your brother-in-law who blesses you with (greetings for a) Kosher festival (of Pesach),
Yisroelik of Akop.

(P.s.) My wife inquires after your wellbeing. 


Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov telling him of bad times ahead but, nevertheless, he must still do what he has to do:

Letter 27.


Tuesday (Parshat) Eikev 5491 (1731).

To the righteous (one) of the world amongst the Nistarim (Hidden ones) Mr[4] Yisrael n’y.

Know that many travails are about to befall you but with G-d’s will man and his enemies will make peace.

You (must just) do what you have to do and G-d will accept your good way. Amen.

From Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov telling him he met the latter’s brother-in-law (R. Gershon Kitover) but that he refuses to divulge his (the Baal Shem Tov’s) whereabouts:

Letter 29.


Thursday[5] 5491 (1731) LePeret Katan.[6]     
To the hidden (one) whose paths (whereabouts) are not (even) known to the eagle, holy and awesome is your name, Yisrael, may you live.

I saw your brother-in-law, the rabbi and holy gaon (R. Gershon Kitover) n’y, and even he hid from me your (secret) holy dwelling place.


But I consoled myself with the (fact that) even Jacob our father did not know the (dwelling) place of his son Joseph.... (for...)[7] years. Enough said.

From the (one) connected to you with (bonds of) love,

Adam Baal Shem Tov.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov informing him that even though he doesn’t know where the Baal Shem Tov is hiding, he knows all else including the fact that during the forthcoming year he will reveal himself to the world:

Letter 26.


The Ten days of Repentence 5493 (1733).

To the holy and hidden Mr Yisrael, son of the rabbi, Rabbi Eliezer, may you live.

Know that all the travails that are (about) to befall you are revealed to me.

And during the forthcoming year you will be revealed (to the world). G-d willing.

G-d will certainly protect you from all travails and (may He) lay out for you (only) kindness.
Enough said.

See the holy Zohar (Parshat) Vayeishev (where it says:)

‘The Tzadik will (undergo) much evil and G-d will save him from all (that evil)’
It is not written (that evil will befall) ‘to the Tzadik’ but (simply) Tzadik.
When the holy one blessed be He befriends the (tzadik) etc., they merit to be separated.[8]’ End quote from the Zohar. Enough said.

Know that if I knew your (hiding) place you would be revealed (to the world) immediately. But it is only from Heaven that your (hiding) place is not known to me.

Nor is it known to your (other) teacher Achiya haShiloni.[9]

May there be peace now with you, and also with the (other) hidden one, the holy Mr Mordechai the Tzadik[10], may he live.

From myself, who loves you but does not know you.[11]

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov instructing him to reveal himself to the world and warning him of dire consequences if he doesn’t listen:

Letter 17.


(Parshat) Vayeitze 5493 (1733).

To the holy hidden one, Mr Yisrael, son of our teacher the rabbi, Eliezer, n’y.
Know that the time has arrived for you to reveal yourself (to the world).

But if (you do ) not (listen), the (whole) world will be destroyed.

And the sign (than I am speaking the truth) is that tonight you saw your teacher, Achiya haShiloni[12], in a dream.


Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov stating that he sees that the latter is refusing to reveal himself to the world and as a consequence,  the world will go into a spiritual deficit if he does not listen:

Letter 18.


Wednesday (Parshat) Vayeishev 5493 (1733).

To the hidden one[13], the righteous (who is the) foundation of the world, my teacher and rabbi[14], Yisrael, n’y, of Akop.

It is evident that you are refusing in the matter (of revealing yourself to the world).

But on the life of your head, I swear that if you do not reveal (yourself) you will be empowering the opposite side (i.e. the side of evil). Enough said.

As a consequence you are causing the entire world to (go into spiritual) deficit. Heaven forefend.

Adam Baal Shem Tov from Ropshitz.


Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov quoting the Zohar and suggesting the latter is the subject of its teaching:

Letter 15.


(Parshat) Vayikra 5493 (1733).

To the holy Mr Yisrael, son of our teacher the rabbi, Eliezer, n’y.

The One who loves justice and doesn’t neglect His pious (ones).

It is taught in the holy Zohar:

‘It is written pious (in the singular[15]).’

Know that you (are the one who is the subject of this verse) and G-d is with you and G-d will not forsake you. 

For you are the pious one (through which) G-d will work wonders. And (may you) listen when He calls for you.

Enough said.

Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.



Letter from R. Adam Baal Shem Tov to the Baal Shem Tov informing him that even the latter’s (other) teacher, Achiya haShiloni, is annoyed at him for not revealing himself:

Letter 20.


5493 (1733)

To the hidden one, the holy Mr Yisrael, son of our teacher the rabbi, Eliezer, n’y.

Your teacher[16] was with me this night.

And he said in the following holy words: If you refuse to reveal yourself at least over the next year, may it descend upon us for good, then you shall (no longer) be (considered) within his court.


Adam Baal Shem Tov of Ropshitz.


[1] The other (mystical) teacher of the Baal Shem Tov, who according to Chassidic tradition was the biblical prophet from the time of King Solomon.
[2] We also see that the Baal Shem Tov was not hiding alone as there is a reference to R. Mordechai the Tzadik, who appears to have been with him. We also see that somehow he also managed to hide from his mystical teacher Achiya haShiloni. (Doc 276).
[3] The actual text reads: “Now when G-d was about to create the world, He produced a secret spark from which there issued and radiated all the lights which are disclosed. First there spread from it those lights which constitute the upper world. Then it continued its radiation, and the Artificer made it into a light without brightness, and thus He made the lower world. And by reason of it being a light, but without illumination, it feels itself attracted towards [156b] the upper world.”
[4] In the text the nun seems to be a mistake.
[5] The name of the weekly Torah portion is missing.
[6] A calendar designation.
[7]Text missing.
[8] I couldn’t find the reference in the Zohar to this.
[9] A prophet from the days of King Solomon.
[10] It seems that R. Mordechai was hiding together with the Baal Shem Tov.
[11] Or: ‘but does not know where you are.’ Later on, however, we do see evidence that R. Adam had in fact not yet ever met his student.
[12] A prophet from the days of King Solomon.
[13] This expression is used in the previous letter as well and may allude to the fact that at this time the Baal Shem Tov was physically hiding from him.
[14] This is a very significant term because it represents the transition of R. Adam Baal Shem Tov reverting from teacher to student.
[15]Chassido (His pious one) as opposed to Chassidav (His pious ones).
[16] Achiya haShiloni, a prophet from the time of Solomon.