
Sunday, 14 May 2017



For an analysis of the fascinating history and controversy surrounding the letters of the Cherson Geniza, see KOTZK BLOG 123.

The translations which follow are my own. I am not aware of any other translations of these letters and I take full responsibility for any inaccuracies.


Letter from the Besht to R. Yaakov Yosef of Polnoa, where he eventually agrees to bequeath his teachings to the Maggid of Mezerich, who in turn will reveal them to R. Yaakov Yosef of Polnoa:[1]

Tuesday (Parshat) Vayikra 5520 (1760) Medzebuzh.

To my special student, the holy and brilliant rabbi, a man of G-d [- who shines to the world and to those who dwell upon it etc., holy be his (G-d’s) name]. Our teacher the rabbi Yaakov Yosef haCohen n’y, Head of the Av Bet Din of the holy community of Polnoa:

I have received the writings from your pure hand.

It has been hard for you to request of me, my son (for my teachings).[2]

Already my (other) student, my colleague, the holy rabbi Mr. Berenya[3] n’y, has requested of me to reveal (the teachings), but I did not reveal them to him.

However, now I see that the time has come to reveal them to both you and to him.

But, because the matter (of the teachings) is so holy and awesome, it may only be revealed from mouth to ear (and not in writing).

Therefore, for the time being, I shall reveal them to my honourable and holy special student Mr. (Dov) Ber n’y, and he shall transfer them to you letter for letter, just as I received and heard them from my holy teacher.

However, the (physical) notes, together with the holy names and letters which I received from my holy teacher, I shall hand them over to the abovementioned student (R. Dovber) n’y, as a gift. And I shall teach him how to combine them in holiness.

As for you, in order to fulfil your request, I herewith send to you (enclose) fourteen items, (some of) my manuscripts together with the quill pen and ink which I received earlier on from my teacher. Vd’l.
From your teacher and rabbi who always seeks your welfare,

Yisrael son of our teacher R. Eliezer Baal Shem. Medzebuzh.

(P.s.) I am sending the letter together with the notes through a special messenger.


One of the final letters the Besht writes to all of his disciples, as a last will and testament[4]:
(First version[5])

Erev Shabbat haGadol 5520 (1760) Medzebuzh.

To all my students, friends, colleagues, the holy, pious, upright and wholesome, the brilliant, grand, (G-d) fearing and sincere - may G-d be with you, and you should live:

My beloved; read this letter only after the end of my days and years.

I hereby declare and kindly request, as I know you to all be sincere, that you fulfil my request.
In short:

1) That whosoever succeeds me should not settle in Medzebuzh under any circumstances, ever.

2) That whosoever succeeds me should be treated with even more dignity, than (the dignity I received). Because, in truth, I know who is going to succeed me, and he will be praised amongst the holy, vd’ l.

3) That days are coming when there will be no respect towards us[6], and the youth will embarrass their elders[7], G-d forbid. But you, my children should not associate with those people (because) the truth will show the way. G-d is true and His Torah is true, and even our way[8] is true without the shadow of a doubt.

4) That most importantly, for G-d’s sake and for the sake of peace, do not quarrel (with each other) and may there only be peace amongst you.

I write this today, because (last) night my teacher and rabbi revealed to me that this eve of Shabbat haGadol will be my last, vd’ l.

From your teacher and rabbi, and your leader of the generation,

Written with many tears,

Yisrael son of our teacher R. Eliezer Baal Shem. Medzebuzh.


Letter to the rabbis of Ostroa stating that the Besht has done his best and the rest is up to G-d:

Sunday (Parshat) Emor 5520 (1760) Medzebuzh.

To the members of our group, the rabbis and Chassidim etc. etc. of the holy community of Ostroa, may they be protected:

I received your ‘pan’[9] with your names last Erev Shabbat, and I have done all I could within my capability (to help). And may G-d, who redeems and saves, redeem and save you from all harm, grief and anguish, for now and forever. 

And may we only hear good, and pleasant tidings in all the house of Israel. Amen, netzach, selah.

I strongly request that you all join me for the festival of Shavuot[10], which should come to us for good.

From your rabbi and teacher who wishes you well, with love and great kindness,

Yisrael son of our teacher R. Eliezer Baal Shem. Medzebuzh.


Letter from the Besht to R. Yeshaya of Yanov[11] informing him that the teachings of R. Adam Baal Shem[12] will be sent to him, for him to copy:

Wednesday (Parshat) Emor 5520 (1760).

To my senior student, the holy rabbi etc. Mr. Yeshaya n’y of Yanov.

I am sending to you, through the trusted of my house the holy rabbi Mr. Nachman of Horodenka n’y, all of the holy writings - from the holy, and the man of G-d, R. Adam Baal Shem, may his memory protect us.

You may (then) copy them letter for letter and he (R. Nachman of Horodenka) will bring them (the originals, back) to me.

And your reward will be double, for no one’s eyes, besides mine, have seen them, vd’l.

Be careful, for G-d’s sake, that no one else’s eyes see them (the writings).

He (R. Nachman of Horodenka) will transfer (return) them from your hand to mine, please G-d.
From your teacher who blesses you with all good, sela.

Yisrael, son of our teacher, 
R. Eliezer Baal Shem. Medzebuzh.


Amended last will and testament:[13]

With the help of G-d, blessed be He, who gives strength to the weary:

1) (This is an) addendum - with changes - to what I compiled last year, through my student, the rabbi and chassid, our teacher the rabbi Yeshaya of Yanov, n’y:

I, the undersigned, am lying on my deathbed, and today is the eve of the festival of Shavuot. There is not enough time because the holiness of the day (is approaching).

I am compelled, today, to amend two paragraphs in the will - namely paragraph 12 and paragraph 18. So that what I instructed in paragraph 12 regarding (the collection of) the writings, I hereby cancel that, - and instead I instruct, now while of sound mind, to give all the (collection of) writings in my possession, both in book form and in manuscript form, to:

2) my student and colleague, the great tree, prince of Torah, Mr. Dovber, son of our teacher and rabbi Avraham, n’y.

This will exclude the writings in Yiddish, which belong to my daughter, the rabbanit who fears G-d, Adele, may she live.

Regarding that written in paragraph 18, I hereby consent – while being of sound and composed mind – to give to my student, the rabbi who is dear to me like a son, the pillar of fire, Mr. Yaakov Yosef haCohen[14], n’y, (the following):

All the books of the Ralbag[15] on the Tanach, which are bound in old leather, and which contain my annotations (on them).

Also the old (version of the) book Naveh Shalom[16], bound in leather, (also) with my annotations.

The original copy of my will, without any changes, can be found in my closet, in the container containing my Yom Tov Shtriemal (hat).

Now, I hereby instruct:

3. (Since) no one knows when etc. (I will pass away), the procedure (for dealing) with me after my life; that is – after my passing; that is – after my soul has left me (shall be as follows):

All the people shall leave my room, except for the following ten people:

R. Mr. Leib Fistiner
R. Mr. Nachman of Horodenka
R. Mr. Shimshon of Anipoli
R. Mr. Baruch of Kamenki
R. Mr. Zev Woolf Kitzes
R. Mr. David Lahkes
R. Mr. David Furkes of Medzebuzh
R. Mr. David of Mickaelayov
R. Mr Kehot of Verish
Rabbi and colleague Mr. Dovber, son of our teacher the rabbi R. Avraham
They should all live.

They should attend to me from beginning to end, until they carry me from my house to the outside, when I will be under the One who takes and gives life, and then (when outside) all will be equal for good (and all can carry me).

All the above I transmitted by word to my scribe, Tzvi n’y, and he wrote (the words) because my hands were shaking. I permitted him to take hold of my hand so that I could hold the quill pen to sign, with sound and clear mind, this day the eve of the festival of Shavuot in the year 5520 (1760).
I am signing with the assistance of my scribe, Tzvi, as mentioned above.

The words of: Yisrael son of our teacher the rabbi R. Eliezer Zal Baal shem Tov at the holy community of Medzebuzh.

I, the undersigned held the hand of our holy rabbi, the light of our eyes, and he signed his name in holiness and purity.

The words of: Tzvi Sofer (Stam)[17] at the home of the rabbi, may he live...

In our presence, we the undersigned (witnessed) the writing and signing of our holy rabbi.
We have signed on this day, erev Shavuot (in) this year 5520 (1760) LePeret Katan, in the holy community of Medzebuzh, the place where our master, teacher and rabbi dwells:

The words of the insignificant one: Yehudah Leib Fistiner

The insignificant one: Zev Woolf Kitzes.


Letter from the Maggid to R. Yaakov Yosef of Polnoa, asking to borrow a book:

Sunday (Parshat) Korach 5520 (1760) LaPeret Katan, Medzebuzh.

To the honourable and brilliant rabbi, holy of Sinai, who can uproot mountains, a man of G-d, prince of Torah, Mr. Yaakov Yosef haCohen, Head of the Court of the holy community of Polnoa.

I request of you, to send (lend) to me, for a period of two weeks, the Responsa of Rashbatz[18]

This is very urgent for me.

Your dear friend who loves you in truth,

Dovber, son of our teacher the rabbi, Avraham.


Letter of condolence from R. Menachem Mendel of Premislan to R. Yaakov Yosef of Polnoa:[19]

Sunday (Parshat) Korach 5520 (1760) Premislan.

To the great man, dear and holy, Prince of Torah, the great Cohen m’a’r”y[20], genius and holy, our teacher the rabbi Yaakov Yosef, n’y, from the holy community of Polnoa.

May G-d comfort us (after the passing of the Baal Shem Tov).

Jacob[21] our father (Partiarch) did not die. And Israel went (continued on) – alive and well, awesome, lofty and holy.

I am preparing to come to Medzebuzh to console the holy group on the passing of our rabbi the Baal Shem Tov, hc’m. [22]

(See you) in a few days.

Written with tears,

Menachem Mendel of Premislan.

One of the students of the rabbi (the Baal Shem Tov) hc’m.


Receipt of money recorded by Besht:[23]

To remember for good.[24]

I received from the rabbi of Polnoa 200 Adumim, which was money from (the charity of) R.M.B.N., zal.[25]

I received from the rabbi of Ostroa, also 200 Adumin, which was money from (the charity of) R.M.B.N., zal.

The total (amounting to) 400 Adumin, on this Tuesday...5520 (1760).

Yisrael, son of our teacher the rabbi, Eliezer Baal Shem.


Letter from R. Pinchas of Koretz to R. Dovber the Maggid of Mezeritch, telling him that he knows that he (the Maggid) had him in mind on Yom Kippur:

KORETZ 5521 (1761) Erev Sukkot.

Conclude (the festival period) well[26].

To the honourable and holy, our master, teacher and rabbi, the (man of) G-d, prince of Torah, Mr. Dovber, may you live.

I received your holy letter and was glad.

It is with much gratitude to you, honourable and holy (n’) y, Ber, for remembering and uplifting me... on (through) your holy thoughts, during (this past) Yom haKippurim.[27]

And know that I know the exact moment, honourable one, (n)’y, when you uplifted me, because I felt it here.

And the sign (to show you how I know this) is that it took place between the prayer of Mincha and Neilah.

I conclude with much peace and (have a) happy holiday.

From Pinchas Shapira of Koretz.


Letter from R. Yechiel Michal (son-in-law of the Besht) to the Maggid of Mezeritch, informing him that he is going to bring him, and hand over, the secret writings:

Sunday (Parshat) Lech (lecha) 5521 (1761).

To the holy and awesome rabbi, prince of Torah, Rabbi of all the children of the Exile[28] etc., our rabbi and teacher Dovber n’y:

G-d willing, after Shabbat I will come to your holy camp[29] and bring with me the hidden writings which my father-in-law, Mr., our master, teacher and rabbi, the holy Baal Shem Tov zal, hk’m[30] gave over to me – (and instructed me, before he passed away) to hand them over only to your specific and holy hand.

And no one (should) know about this.

From your dear friend who seeks your welfare and yearns to see you,

Yechiel, son-in-law of my teacher and rabbi, the Baal Shem Tov, of blessed memory, hk’m.


R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz’s opponents agree to a change of heart and become his supporters[31]:

We the undersigned, have decided amongst ourselves, to leave our previous ways – where we rose up against the honourable and holy, the brilliant and G-dly rabbi, our teacher the rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz, may he live – and now we are convinced to know that he is (indeed) a holy and awesome man. 

And there is not any suspicion against him, G-d forbid (alleging that) he is a cult follower of Shabbatai Tzvi[32], ym’s.[33] 

From now on, we hereby stand at his holy side, ready with hands held high to fight for him against his enemies.

May G-d, who makes peace in high places, make peace amongst all of Israel.

(Signed) here in the holy city of Kremnia, Tuesday (Parshat) Miketz 5521 (1761) lePeret Katan.
The holy Yehudah Leib, Head of the Court, Kremnia.

The holy Chaim, son of the brilliant Mr. Shevach, zlh’h[34], Head of the Great Court of the abovementioned holy community.

Naftali, son of the rabbi Shmuel - from here.

The holy Noach Sofer Stam, of the abovementioned holy community.

Yechiel, son of the holy rabbi Moshe Michal, slaughterer and inspector - from here.
From the holy Isaac, son of the brilliant and holy, our teacher the rabbi Yeshaya Shor, of blessed memory, Head of the holy Court of Trazni, yz’v.[35]

The insignificant Pinchas Eliya(hu).


Letter from the Maggid of Mederitch to R. David of Michaelaov, requesting the explanation for why the Baal Shem Tov established the ‘Mashiach Seudah’ on Peasch:

Tuesday (Parshat) Shelach 5521 (1761) Medzebuzh.

(Wishing you) long life[36].

To the honourable and holy, a man of G-d, exceptional of the generation, the brilliant and holy, the rabbi, R. David n’y of  Michealov:

You (must) certainly remember, holy and honourable one, the holy words which emanated from the mouth of the great and holy rabbi, the head of all the children of the exile, our teacher and rabbi the Baal Shem Tov nbg’m[37] - (which he spoke) on the last day of Peasch, at the time when he ate the third meal, as was his holy custom.

For on the last day of Pesach, he ate three meals, (as was his custom) every year.

(However) in 5520 (1760), you, holy and honourable one (R. Davi of Michaelov), stood close to the holy table, and he, our teacher and rabbi, may his soul be in Gan Eden, gave the reason for his holy custom to eat three meals.

Please write down, holy and honourable one, all the holy words (which the Baal Shem Tov spoke in this regard) and send them to me – for the matter is very urgent to me.

From your dear friend who seeks your welfare, bln’ch ns’v.[38]

Dovber, son of our teacher the rabbi, Avraham.


Letter from R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz to Chaim Yerucham Vilna[39] requesting to have all his writings and amulets sent back urgently:

Tuesday (Parshat) Veetchanan 5521[40] (1761) LaPeret Katan.

(Wishing you) long Life.[41]

To the honourable, beloved friend and beloved of G-d, the brilliant and famous rabbi, philosopher and kabbalist, well of living waters, our teacher and rabbi Chaim Yerucham Vilna- may you live - from Vina[42]:

To be short: For G-d’s sake, return to me all the writings and amulets, for this is very urgent to me.[43]

I hope to G-d, who is good and does good, that He will not forsake me.

(And I hope) that all those who rise up against me, to (try to) swallow me up, will fall into (their own) trap, and I will escape happily and free. Sela, ans’v[44].

From the one who waits for G-d’s salvation, may it come soon,

Yehonatan Eybeschutz, entrenched within the communities[45] of Altona, Hamburg and Vanenburg.


Letter from R. Leib Saras to R. Dov of Veritch, documenting charity monies:

Wednesday (Parshat) Toledot 5522 (1762) Koretz.

To the honourable, beloved of G-d, holy and very esteemed rabbi and holy preacher, our teacher the rabbi Dov of Veritch[46], may he live:

I have gathered and collected 100 gold coins, and I (hereby) send them to your holy hand for distribution.

From the insignificant Leib, son of Sarah[47].


Letter from R. Chaim of Krasnea to R. Dovber of Veritch, telling him he had received the handwritten manuscripts of the Besht:

The day on which good is doubled[48] (Tuesday) 5522 (1762) in the order of veAtah techezeh (Parshat Yitro), here in the holy community of Koretz.

To the great and dear man, wonder-worker, beloved of G-d and beloved of my soul, the rabbi, the righteous and the holy, prince of Torah, head of all the children of the exile etc. etc. etc., our teacher the rabbi Dovber, truthful talker[49], from the holy community of Mezeritch:

Surely my eyes have seen all beauty (by gazing at) the genuine handwritten manuscripts by the holy one (the Baal Shem Tov). (These writings) I have received.

Two of the teachings I have already had the merit of hearing myself from the G-dly master, the Baal Shem Tov’s pure and holy mouth, may his merit protect us.

I (also, actually) heard them (the teachings in oral form) in the following (exact) words (from the Baal Shem Tov himself):

“I do not understand how a little clay and water (human physicality) can prevent us from seeing...”
End of holy quote – may his merit protect us.

This was said in the presence of three, and they are[50]; the honourable and holy rabbi from Polnoa y’n, and the holy rabbi from Koretz y’n, and myself.

From the most inconsequential of the holy group,

The insignificant Chaim, son of our teacher the rabbi Avraham Yehoshuua Heschel, speaker of truth[51], here in the holy community of Krasnea.

G-d willing, after the holy Shabbat I will return to my home.


Letter from R. Yechiel Michal to R. Pinchas of Koretz expressing his frustration over his trying to spread the teachings of the Besht:

Isru Chag (the day after the festival of) Shavuot 5523 (1763).

To the holy and awesome, beloved of G-d and beloved of my soul, the brilliant and righteous, our teacher the rabbi Pinchas of Koretz, may you live.

Much are my sighs and my heart is sad.

No one pays attention nor even thinks of repenting.

All stand in rebellion.

May G-d see with his own eyes (what is going on[52]) and then our hearts will rejoice.
From your beloved friend, with love,

The insignificant Yechiel Michal[53], son of the rabbi, the holy maggid, our teacher the rabbi Yitzchak, speaker of truth, from Drohovitch.


[1] This is another instance of R. Yaakov Yosef of Polnoa being told by the Baal Shem Tov that he has to play second fiddle to the Maggid of Mezerich. See Doc. 172. It is also interesting to see that The Baal Shem Tov refers to R. Y.Y. of Polnoa as ‘my son’, while referring to the Maggid of Mezeritch as ’my colleague’.
[2] I assume, based on the date of this letter - 1760, the year the Baal Shem Tov passed away – and its context, that the students of the Besht wanted to gain possession of their teacher’s writings before he passed away. It was clearly difficult for them to express this in actual words.
[3] A term of endearment for R. Dovber, the Maggid of Mezerich.
[4] It is interesting to see, though, that the Alter Rebbe writes, regarding the book Tzava’at haRivash (The Testament of the Baal Shem Tov): “In truth (this book) is not the Baal Shem Tov’s (will), and he did not command anything before his death...” (Tanya, Iggeret haKodesh, p. 25) Yet we have here a number of letters written as a last will and testament.
[5] See Document 186 for a final and amended version.
[6] This is probably a reference to the great opposition the Chassidic movement was about to encounter.
[7] This is not necessarily a reference to a generational struggle between youth and adults, but between those who know nothing about the teachings of Chassidut (the ‘youth’) and those (the ‘elders’) who do.
[8] This may refer to the path of Chassidism in particular.
[9] ‘Redemption requests’
[10] This date is significant as that Shavuot turned out to be the day the Baal Shem Tov passed away.
[11] R. Yeshaya, also known as the Maggid of Yanov. He collected many sayings from the Baal Shem Tov and much of the book Tzava’at haRivash was taken from his records.
[12] C.f. Document 172.
[13] See Document 183.
[14] Of Polnoa.
[15] R. Levi ben Gershon (1288-1344), also known as Gersonides. He was a Talmudist, philosopher, physician astronomer, and mathematician. He was a strict adherent to Aristotelian philosophy, and even criticised Rambam for not representing Aristotle accurately enough.  His non- mainstream views may have accounted for him never taking a position of rabbinic communal leadership, and he was known as a rationalist who had rational explanations for many of the miracle mentioned in the Torah. Many (such as Avrabanel and Chasdai Crescas) criticised his commentary on the Torah and the Rivash went so far as to declare his works heretical.
Ralbag had an interesting take on the great debate over how we can have freedom of choice – and at the same time say that G-d has foreknowledge of our actions. He suggests that G-d only has foreknowledge of ALL the choices were are likely to make, but He does not know which of them we will indeed choose.
Regarding life after death, Ralbag suggests that, as Seymour Feldman points out, "Man is immortal insofar as he attains the intellectual perfection that is open to him. This means that man becomes immortal only if and to the extent that he acquires knowledge of what he can in principle know, e.g. mathematics and the natural sciences. This knowledge survives his bodily death and constitutes his immortality."
This being said it seems difficult to understand why the rational Ralbag has such appeal to the mystical Chassidim.
[16]The book Naveh Shalom, or Oasis of Peace, was written by R. Avraham ben Yitzchak Shalom (d. 1492) and was published in 1539.
[17] Stam is a common abbreviation for:  Sifrei Torah uMezuzot
[18] R. Shimon ben Tzemach Duran (1361-1444). A major Spanish halachic decisor whose ruling have shaped much of our halacha today. He was related to Ralbag (see note to Document 186), and also studied mathematics, science, astronomy and practised medicine. He later became the rabbi of Algiers.
[19] See Document 181, where we see that there was some prior rivalry between R. M.M. of Premislan and R. Y.Y. of Polnoa.
[20] I do not know what this abbreviation stands for. (If the dalet is a copying error for chet, then it could mean meEchav or ‘amongst his brethren’.
[21] This could be a play on the word Jacob, who was also known as ‘Israel’.
[22] Hareini kaparat mishcavo. I am not sure exactly what this means other than an expression that the death be a form of atonement. Or it could possibly stand for haKimat malachim, or ‘angel-like’.
[23] Another example of how the Baal Shem Tov was so meticulous and particular about the exact amounts he received and distributed.
[24] This may mean to remember these people, who gave the money, for good – or it may mean to record accurately the amounts of money received.
[25] I am not sure what this charity R.M.B.N. zal, refers to. It may be the fund of Rabbi Meir Baal haNes, although it is generally considered that that fund was only established in 1796!
[26] The traditional greeting for the period between the high holidays and sukkot.
[27] It appears that the Maggid, without being asked, had R. M.M. of Premislan in mind and ‘elevated’ him on Yom Kippur. Now he is being thanked by R.M.M. of Premislan for his unexpected  gift of upliftment.
[28] Rav shel kol bnei haGolah.
[29] Lemachaneh kodesho.
[30] Hareini kaparat mishkavo or haKimat malachim.
[31] For some background to the controversy which raged against R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz see KOTZK BLOG 81.
[32] For more on Shabbatai Tzvi, see KOTZK BLOG 117.
[33] May his name be erased.
[34] Zichrono lechayeh haolam haba.
[35] Yishmereihu Tzuro vichiho.
[36] An expression of comfort and condolence after a death. Here it is a condolence wish after the passing of the Baal Shem Tov.
[37] Nishmato beginzei meromim, or whose soul is in the hidden and higher realms.
[38] Be lenucho eden, netzach, sela vaed, or may he rest in Eden, for always.
[39] R. Chaim Yerucham of Vilna is famous for his publishing of the Tikunei haZohar in Constantinople in 1740. He was the son of R. Yaakov Vilna of Jerusalem, who was a Sephardic Kabbalist, whose approbations appear on many important works such as Lampronti's Pachad Yitzchak.
[40] The Hebrew date is written chaf asher, which through numerology translates as 5521. Peret Katan is a calendar designation.
[41] See note to Document 193.
[42] Possible Vienna.
[43] For more background to the incident of the amulets, see KOTZK BLOG 81.
[44] Amen, netzach sela vaed.
[45] Choneh poh kehilat, or entrenched here within the communities of etc.
[46] C.f. Document 179, where the spelling is Verish instead of Veritch.
[47] Leib Saras (1730-1791) as he was known, was named after his mother, and was a student of the Baal Shem Tov. He spent most of his time travelling around Europe raising money to ransom imprisoned Jews. According to some traditions, he was also the same person known as the famous Shpoler Zeida.
[48] The Torah uses the expression ‘it was good’ twice while describing Tuesday, in the story of creation.
[49] Magid meisharim.
[50] Harei heim.
[51] Magid meisharim.
[52] This is a reference to the persecution the early Chassidic movement underwent, especially in the years after the passing of their leader, the Baal Shem Tov. This letter is dated about three years after his passing.
[53] This is a reference to R. Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov (1721-1786), who was one of the younger students of the Baal Shem Tov (and later also became a student of the Maggid of Mezeritch). His father, R. Yitzchak of Drohovitch was the eldest student of the Baal Shem Tov. He is known to have suffered much from the opponents of the Chassidim, especially as he tried to introduce Chasidism to the Jews of Galicia. According to tradition, he composed the work Mayim Rabim. Also according to tradition, he composed the Histalkut Niggun as he passed away, in Yampol. Listen to the composition here.


  1. Many thanks, R' Gavin. Re: note 22 the expression Harei Kaparas Mishkavo comes from TB Kiddushin 31B, where Rashi explains it as meaning, I should suffer as an atonement for the dead.

  2. Two things, now that I'm paying attention to them. Firstly, Re: R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz. Considering the claims made against him, specifically in regards to the kameyah. Yet they were in the hands of someone very trusted. As well, the letter about exonerating him of whatever they thought he had done. I think this may be a continuation of the same issue I noticed on a previous article, where the Kameyah used Kabbalistic systems that also happen to have been used for Sabbatean purposes, and the two can very easily be confused. If this is true, it explains quite a bit of the confusion surrounding that situation, as well as why certain people erred so greatly (in a very extreme way, as well.)

    Secondly, in regards to Ralbag. There is a tradition passed down, of which I'm unclear the source of, that "We know for absolute certainty that every Sefer of Torah (in regards to Zohar, in regards to Shulchan Aruch, and many other similar sefarim) written before and including the Shach and the Taz (so before 1600), are confirmed to have been written with Ruach Hakodesh. After that point, it is not certain whether they have or have not been written as such, and further examination is required." I believe that is the proper form of it, but since I never heard the tradition directly, I'm unsure. Essentially however, what it means is that even if a certain Rav had a rational or suprarational understanding of things in the physical writing itself, Hashem guides his hands that he write in a way that would imply aspects of Pardes in everything that he writes. This means that what for most would be considered a heretical book, for those who could read between the lines and understand the Ruach Hakodesh hidden within, they would be able to glean more from it. According to this understanding, it is *very possible*, though obviously I have no direct proof to this, since we are talking of Tzaddikim here, that this is the reason they held the sefarim of the Ralbag in high stead.

    In general, I believe this tradition about Ruach Hakodesh applies to many other articles here, and would explain some aspects of the confusion some have (since Ruach Hakodesh can be written with both intentionally and unintentionally), especially in regards to why Rambam's writings would have an aspect of Sod to them, among many other things.

  3. Ah! Had I looked this up beforehand I could've added it to the previous post. The source for that tradition is the Rebbe Rayatz (who we do trust, and ignore the academics views on the subject, since they are parroting the reason for the court case over the library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad), the 6th of Shevat, in Hayom Yom, from It appear this tradition came from the Alter Rebbe, and the Rebbe Rayatz heard it from the Rebbe Rashab.
